Building a startup is hard.
Figuring out fundraising and venture capital shouldn’t get in your way.
Join 1,000+ founders to understand the business of venture capital and learn strategies used by top Silicon Valley startups each week.
‘Your newsletter is the only one I'm subscribed to that I read, end-to-end, every single time.”
- Matthew Lombardi
I’m a 4x founder-turned-VC. I’ve built and sold both venture-backed companies and bootstrapped businesses, so I know how hard it is to build a startup. Figuring out fundraising and venture capital shouldn’t get in the way of your success.
Each week, I share actionable insights from my 20+ year career as a Silicon Valley founder and global investor. No fluff. No BS. I pull back the curtain and say the Quiet Part Out Loud on topics including:
Fundraising: Strategies for effectively getting capital for your startup
The Business of Venture Capital: How the venture capital industry works and why VCs do the things they do
Startup Ecosystems: The current state of startup ecosystems around the world
The Founder Journey: How to survive and thrive on the often lonely journey of a founder
“Love Chris Neumann’s newsletter. Full of insights, quick to read and actionable.”
- Evan McCann
“Helpful and inspiring... great read to start the day!”
- Alexandra Greenhill
“Helpful and inspiring... great read to start the day!”
- Alexandra Greenhill
“This is gold. Happy I subscribed!”
- Dave Johnston
“I really needed this in my current startup chaos stage.”
- Mike McDonald
“Absolutely love your emails. Get a high each time one hits the inbox.”
- Tim Johnson
Join 1,000+ founders to understand the business of venture capital and learn strategies used by top Silicon Valley startups each week.